Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Just a thought

"Not all scars show, not all wounds heal, sometimes you can’t always see the pain someone feels."

I saw this quote on a website about cutting but I really liked the last part "sometimes you can’t always see the pain someone feels" It's true, we don’t know what’s going on in other peoples lives. I don’t know why that guy cut me off yesterday on my way home from school. I don’t know why some lady was honking at me to go before I even had time to get my foot off the brake. I don’t know why the lady at the checkout counter is being so rude. We just don’t know. Maybe the lady at the checkout counter just got some bad news but is unable to leave work, maybe the guy who cut me off is in a hurry to get to the hospital because his wife is there, and maybe the lady honking at me two seconds after the light had turned green is in a hurry to get home because her kid called and something happened. You never know what’s going on in peoples lives, why they are acting the way they are acting. And you know what, maybe all those people are acting that way because they are just strait up impatient jerks who think you’re slowing them down. But just because someone is rude to us does not mean it’s a free pass to be rude right back.

I am really good at being rude sometimes. I once had someone honk at me to go as I was turning into my neighborhood and I didn’t like that they were being so impatient so I decided to teach them a lesson by going 10mph under the speed limit till I got to my street. There was a line of cars behind me and I could see that the car that honked at me was pissed and that made me pretty happy. Boy did I teach that jerk a lesson. I taught him to be patient, to wait a few min before you go crazy and start honking your horn. HA! Yea I'm sure that’s what I taught him. You know what I probably taught him? I probably taught him that Christians are jerks just like the rest of the world. I probably taught him that it doesn’t matter if they have a Z88.3 bumper sticker on the back of there car or one that says body piercing saved my life with a nail going into the hand of Christ. Yep thats probably what I taught him, Christians are no different than anyone else.

Just because someone is rude to us it is not a free pass to be rude back, it's an opportunity to be Christ. We don’t know the reason behind the attitude so lets quit assuming everyone who cuts us off is a jerk and every rude person at the checkout is not a people person. Maybe they are having a bad day so lets not be the ones who make it worse by being rude back. Not all scars are visible and we cant always see the pain the others are going dealing with.

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