Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Be still

What is God doing when I am in a bind? What is He doing when I am calling His name but get no response? Is He answering other peoples calls first? Is my problem not important enough so He moved me to the back of the line? Did He not here me the first few times? Do I need to shout louder? What is He doing when it feels like my world is about to crash in around me? Where is He when the storm hits, when the waves are getting bigger, the lightning is getting closer, the thunder is getting louder, and my boat is taking on water? What is He doing? What am I supposed to do till He get here?

So I have been asking myself this question a lot laity. I have asked this question many times before to a few different people. I have gotten a few different answers. All of them were good answers but none were really good enough, they just were not satisfying. I wanted more no I needed more.

I know You don’t always answer right away but come on Jesus, my boat is taking on water and I can’t swim, not in this mess.

The winds and the seas obey Him right? So why isn’t He saying anything? It’s only two words “be still” that’s it, that’s all He has to say and the winds and the seas will obey Him. The storm will stop.

I have been thinking what if He already said it? What if He has already said those exact words “be still”? He just did not say it to the storm. He is not telling my storm to be still He is telling me to be still. Maybe if I would just chill out I would be able to see what He is doing. If I would just be still I would see the life preserver that He threw to me. I would see Jesus waiting for me to jump to it so He can pull me out of there. I have been waiting for Him to step in and make everything stop but He is just waiting for me to jump in, to trust Him to take care of it all. Maybe I should just be still for a while an see what happens.

“Be still and know that I am God;”
Psalm 46:10
“Be still before the Lord, all mankind,”
Zechariah 2:13

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