So, for the past oh I don’t know, 3 months I have been cutting. Yep I'm a cutter. Life got to be too much to handle (in my opinion) so I took matters into my own hands. I always take things into my own hands. You see that right there is the problem. I take matters into my own hands and when I can't carry anymore "stuff" life becomes "too much". But here is the part I was missing; I was not made to carry all the pain that life can bring, because I can't handle it. I am not strong enough. I started cutting because life became too much for me to handle on my own. I had to find a way to escape the pain. The pain I could not control, the pain that never went away, the pain that was not caused by an injury to the flesh but by an injury to the heart. You can't see an injured heart like you can see someones injured hand, or leg. People with injured hearts don't limp around or take pain medication to ease the pain. There is no medication for an injured heart, well no medication that can be bought at CVS or Walgreen’s. That was the problem there was nothing I could do for my pain no medicine I could take no bandage I could put on. So I had to find something, I had to find a pain that I could control, I needed a way to forget about the emotional pain. So I decided I would try cutting out, I decided to see if it would do the trick. Well let me tell you the first cut hurt a lot more then I expected. That cut made me forget about the emotional pain I was in because I was now in physical pain. Not to mention the distractions that came from the cut. I had to stop the bleeding, I had to find a way to hid my scars, I planed a story just in case someone saw my scars. My mind was on other things. But as soon as the bleeding stopped and the scar was covered I remembered, I remembered why I cut in the first place so I had to cut again to forget. It was an ongoing cycle. I cut to forget about the emotional pain but as soon as the physical pain went away the scar that was left reminded me of my emotional pain so I cut again. Cutting did not make any of my pain go away, my pain was only masked by more pain. That does not sound like a very good plan to me. It actually sounds kindu stupid. As time went by and I cut a few more times it got to the point that 1 cut was not enough anymore. I had to cut twice or maybe 3 times, I had to find a way to cause myself more pain because one cut was not enough to make me forget anymore. Now I don’t know about you but to me it does not sound like cutting is helping. To me it sounds like things are getting worse. I took things into my own hands and now I am a cutter with scars, I have scars on my arm, my side, my stomach, and my leg, not to mention the emotional pain that I still have to deal with because cutting did not make it go away. See I can't handle it. I am not strong enough.
BUT...I do know someone who can handle it, someone who is strong enough. He is someone who loves me so much that He sent His only son here; to this sinful disgusting place that I call home, to die on a cross for me for us. His son was beaten and bruised so that I did not have to be, his son took that beating for me, so that I did not have to have scars on my arm or my stomach or anywhere. His son took the sins of the world, all the pain, the heartache, and He placed it on His shoulders. He is strong enough. He is so much bigger than this world, then the pain in this world, He is much bigger than me. He can carry my pain for me no problem all I have to do is give it to Him. I have to surrender my control. He said "Come to me,
ALL you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." (Matt 11:28). You see I fall under that category of all (and so do you). He wants me to come to Him, with all my baggage all my pain and He wants me to surrender it to Him
ALL of it and He will take care of it. Now that sounds like a good plan. No cuts no scars just healing, just me and God working together to get through life. He never promised me that life would be easy but He did promise to help me get through it. The pain wont stop here, just because I haven’t cut for 21 days just because I have given him my pain just because I am trusting Him to take control does not mean it will be easy from here on out. I have to let him have control forever and when the storms hit and its raining and thundering and the lighting is getting closer I have to look to Him and know that He will not let anything that WE can not handle come our way. And with God I can handle all things because it is Him who gives me the strength. I can’t handle things on my own and I can't take matters into my own hands but with God I can do all things.